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The Good News of Jesus

He wants a relationship with you!

Since 1951, Bethel Baptist Church has faithfully served the community of Anadarko, OK with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We exist to show God's love to everyone, and the best way we know how is to tell you the Good News of Jesus! As sinful, broken individuals, we need forgiveness from the God who created us. We sinned against God and thus, deserve eternal Hell. However, forgiveness is available through the blood of our perfect sacrifice, Jesus Christ. He died on a cross to pay for our sins. Then, after being laid in a tomb, He literally arose from dead to provide a path to eternal life, for all of us! If you'll place your faith in Jesus for forgiveness and make Him the Lord of your life, He will forgive you, save you, and give you new/eternal life!

Our Mission

Showing God's love to everyone

Bethel Baptist Church exists to show God's love to everyone. 

When we say everyone, we mean everyone. There is no mountain too high and no valley too low for the Good News of Jesus Christ to reach. Therefore, we are a multi-cultural, multi-generational, body of Christ-followers seeking to share the Gospel with everyone.



Christ Bonded Relationships


The vision of Bethel Baptist Church is to make an impact for the Kingdom of God. We are able to do that when our relationships orbit around Jesus Christ. We strive to live in a way that encourages one another closer to God.  Deepening our understanding of His word and direction for our lives.

Our Values

A People of the Book

  1. We are committed to a Text-Driven (expository) approach to preaching God’s word. 

  2. We understand that our church will only be as strong as our understanding and personal application of Scripture.

  3. We encourage God’s people to have a passion for personal Bible study.


A People of Prayer

  1. We are committed to seeking God’s provision and direction for our church family.

  2. We understand that the corporate and private prayer, of righteous men and women, will bring about eternal change in individual hearts and the entire community.

  3. We encourage God’s people to engage in the spiritual discipline of daily prayer.


A People of Worship

  1. We are committed to making much of Jesus Christ in daily worship.

  2. We understand that worship extends beyond the Sunday morning music service. Worship is to be done in each moment and activity of our daily lives.

  3. We encourage God’s people to praise God for His redemptive work, in all things.


A People on Mission

  1. We are committed to advancing the Gospel of Jesus to all people within our reach.

  2. We understand that mission is to be done: locally, regionally, nationally, and globally.

  3. We encourage God’s people to advance the Gospel as far as God allows. 


A People Together

  1. We are committed to providing a local community where Christ-followers can find accountability, spiritual maturity, and a caring family.

  2. We understand that Christ gives His followers a love for the church.

  3. We encourage God’s people to commit to the local church, through membership.

About: Our Values


Sundays: 10:50 am

Be a part of our corporate worship gathering, as we sing praise to God through a blended music service, led by our Bethel Worship Band. Following worship through song, we worship through preaching, as Pastor Josh brings a text-driven sermon from God's Word. All are welcome!

About: Service Time
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Sunday School Bible Studies

Sundays at 9:40A

Available Bible Studies


3Y - K

1st - 5th Grade

Youth - Boys

Youth - Girls

College & Careers - Dwaine & Rita Miller

COED I - Jim Talley

COED II - Randy Johnson

Farmer's Bunch/Been There Done That - Carolyn Farmer

Let's Keep it Simple - David Dubois

Men's Class - Lennis Miller

New Member's Class (meets seasonally) - Pastor & His Wife



Discipleship Small Groups - Sundays 6P

All ages gather around God's word, through Discipleship Small Groups, prior to our evening worship gathering. All are welcome to attend.

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Study group



Team K.I.D. (Kids In Discipleship)  is our Wednesday Kids Ministry. Each week children have a Gospel-centered lesson from God's Word and memorize a verse of Scripture. Team K.I.D. is part of a larger group of Southern Baptist children's ministry clubs. Children can register at the door each week. Parent or Guardian signature is required. 



Each week our students gather in our Family Life Center for volleyball, food, and a text-driven message by our Youth Pastor. We offer a mission-focused Student Ministry, by emphasizing discipleship with the purpose of developing missionaries for the Kingdom of God. 



Each week we offer adults the best of both worlds. They are able to study and to serve. At 5P we gather in the Sanctuary for an adult Bible class. Then at 6:30P adults can serve in our various youth and children's ministries. 

About: Service Time
Gather with us

Life Groups 9:45 am

Worship 10:50 am

Discipleship 6:00 pm



Adult study 5:00 pm

Youth 6:00 pm

Kids 6:15 pm

contact us

501 W. Florida Ave.

Anadarko OK 73005, USA

(405) 247-2511

Bethel Baptist Church

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